Government Building Partner Capacity And Export Control Consulting Solutions



Following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Congress provided the Department of Defense DOD the authority of Building Partner Capacity BPC. It was clearly understood that controlling instability in foreign countries was vital to achieving national security objectives. BPC is possible through the sound execution of security cooperation. Since the insertion decades ago Security cooperation is a core mission of the U.S. military, which is evolving from focusing on fighting wars alongside partners to preventing wars in the first place. The US military understands they cannot fight everywhere. What more efficient way to achieve national security objectives than through partnerships wot our allies in the AOR of concern.

However, despite the importance of and increased focus on security cooperation, significant problems persist in how the DoD organizes these efforts.

The course of action makes absolute sense, the need and expectation is also there. Where is the gap in the process? Process Top Level Overview:

  • Geographic Combatant Commanders develop security cooperation strategy in coordination with established U.S. Ambassador.
  • The execution is expected to be accomplished and managed by Security Cooperation Officers and Defense Attachés who operate from the U.S. Embassies and Consulates.
  • IDIQ contracts are awarded for execution by the COCOMS

In our opinion the questions we should consider asking are:

  • Regardless of great intentions. What is the experience of the personnel positioned to take on this task?
  • For the U.S. Military; Is a one-year minimum tour rotation with a possible extension an adequate tour.
  • Does the assigned Officer understand the aviation, intelligence, infrastructure, etc. projects they are expected to execute and manage?
  • Do they understand the countries needs in support of U.S. interest and can make a true assessment of the requirements presented from the partner nation?
  • Does the Prime contractor have the proven PM experience for the project assigned (aviation, intelligence, C4ISR, etc.)?
  • What is the definition of success for these projects? What is the oversight and metrics?

This is not a straight shot; each country has different requirements.  Each branch in the country have a different requirement.  Begs these questions:

  • Without this understanding and experience, is it possible to establish the expected relationship with the partner nation to build a successful program?
  • Do you have a clear understanding of the countries manpower to support the requirements?
  • Do you have a clear understanding of the countries’ true interest?
  • Are these goals aligned with U.S. interest?
  • What is the sustainment cost?
  • Can the country cover the sustainment cost after the U.S. contract sunsets?

Without answering the above;  the end result unfortunately is possible failure and loss of taxpayer’s dollars. 

ALL-ISR, Inc has over 5 years of boots on the ground experience successfully building partner capacity in multiple partner nations through C4ISR integration, training, professional development and cultivating long lasting relationship with partner nation leadership, partner nation military leadership and our US military groups and Embassies.   Our past performance is unequal, includes but is not limited to:

  • Building Unmanned Aerial Systems Maritime and Land programs from initial training curriculums, training certifications until the country is self-sustained.
  • Instrumental in the planning, execution and management of rotary wing maintenance schools
  • Leading the site development and successful operations of the highest visibility UAS maritime patrol programs.
  • Hands-on airfield assessments that yields the vital information required prior to committing financial support or a subcontract.”
  • We make easy the critical thinking and provide a specific report to help you make decisions that will safeguard taxpayers’ dollars.
  • We know how to validate requirements based on country’s needs and ability for financial self sustainment.

ALL-ISR, Inc devotion to military duty for over 50 collective years coupled with unequal proven experience in Building Partner Capacity  makes us the Consulting Authority in this rewarding DOD effort. 

Export Control Consulting Solutions

performance goal bussinessInternational Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) control the export and import of defense-related articles and services on the United States Munitions List (USML). According to the U.S. Government, all manufacturers, exporters, and brokers of defense articles, defense services, or related technical data must be ITAR compliant. Therefore, more companies are requiring their supply chain members to be ITAR compliant as well. Our team of consultants has over 14 years of hands-on collective experience within the U.S. Department of State and Industry working export licensing and compliance under ITAR and EAR regulations. We also advise on the Foreign Trade Regulations, and the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act. We have extensive knowledge in:

We Have Extensive Knowledge In

1. Registration, Certificates and Licensing:

  • Registration guidance with the Department of State & Department of Commerce.
  • Assistance with Defense Export Control and Compliance System (DECCS) and Digital Certificates.
  • Licensing Services include preparation, submission, and tracking of ITAR DSP-5, DSP-73, DSP-61s, Technical Assistance Agreements, Manufacturing License Agreements, Warehousing and Distribution Agreements, Advisory Opinions.
  • Licensing Services: preparation, submission, and tracking of EAR 748P licenses, Advisory Opinions.
  • Licensing Services: Assistance with exporting pursuant to the ITAR or BIS authorization including the preparation and review of shipping documents.
  • Developing International Business Development Licensing Strategy.

2. Assessments, Analysis and Investigations:

  • Due Diligence Investigation for Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Investigations for matters of Non-Compliance.
  • Drafting Voluntary Disclosures and Voluntary Self-Disclosures
  • Audits: Investigation, Procedural – Gap Analysis, Focused, Licensing, Shipping.
  • Support for Customs Detentions and Seizures.
  • On-Site: Short Term Licensing and Compliance Support
  • Commodity Jurisdiction (CJs) and Commodity Classification Determinations (CCATS) including Export Control Reform (ECR) analysis.
  • Compliance Programs tailored for small, medium or large Companies.

3. Training:

  • Customized ITAR, EAR, and ECR Training